Welcome to the

The 90-Day Fast-Track for Serious Service-Based Entrepreneurs Ready to Grow and Scale their Business With Video!

Welcome to the

The 90-Day Fast-Track for Serious Service-Based Entrepreneurs Ready to Grow and Scale their Business With Video!


Ready for a Massive Leap in your visibility, audience growth, and sales with the strategy, systems, and confidence in place to expand your audience with perfect-fit clients and generate sales—rinse and repeat?

Want an amazing support structure with customized coaching, training, accountability, script frameworks, templates and more?
Ready to join a community of impact-driven business owners who are on the same journey?


Ready for a Massive Leap in your visibility, audience growth, and sales with the strategy, systems, and confidence in place to expand your audience with perfect-fit clients and generate sales—rinse and repeat?

Want an amazing support structure with customized coaching, training, accountability, script frameworks, templates and more?

Ready to join a community of impact-driven business owners who are on
the same journey?

You may have tried a ton of marketing tactics and you're seeing some success ... but you know it's time to leverage the power of video to maximize your reach, stand out from the crowd, and grow your income and impact—faster and more easily.

You're ready for a mentor to walk you through this,
step by step.

You may have tried a ton of marketing tactics and you're seeing some success ... but you know it's time to leverage the power of video to maximize your reach, stand out from the crowd, and grow your income and impact—faster and more easily.

You're ready for a mentor to walk you through this,
step by step.


You started your own business to be your own boss, but instead of the freedom, you're working 24/7.

You're always looking to land the next client, your revenues are up and down, and not as high as you expected... and this is harder than you thought.

You realize that it's time to find the right system and strategy to grow your audience and get more clients to grow faster and scale your business.

You're doing the marketing activities—posting on social media, doing live workshops and masterclasses, being active in Facebook Groups, but it's not creating a steady stream of clients.

It's a lot of trial and error and patchworking together a variety of methods, without one cohesive strategy or streamlined system that moves your business forward. 

You know that video can fast-track your results, but you don't know how to use it strategically to attract, engage and convert ideal clients.

When you put videos out there, not enough people watch, engage or buy from you. Your webinars and masterclasses that you work so hard on aren't converting enough people.

You realize that it's time to take your audience from cold to client, customized to your unique business, so you can focus on your genius zone and impact more people.


You started your own business to be your own boss, but instead of the freedom, you're working 24/7.

You're always looking to land the next client, your revenues are up and down, and not as high as you expected... and this is harder than you thought.

You realize that it's time to find the right system and strategy to grow your audience and get more clients to grow faster and scale your business.

You're doing the marketing activities—posting on social media, doing live workshops and masterclasses, being active in Facebook Groups, but it's not creating a steady stream of clients.

It's a lot of trial and error and patchworking together a variety of methods, without one cohesive strategy or streamlined system that moves your business forward. 

You know that video can fast-track your results, but you don't know how to use it strategically to attract, engage and convert ideal clients.

When you put videos out there, not enough people watch, engage or buy from you. Your webinars and masterclasses that you work so hard on aren't converting enough people.

You realize that it's time to take your audience from cold to client, customized to your unique business, so you can focus on your genius zone and impact more people.


  • ​Have a proven video marketing strategy you can use rinse and repeat... instead of trial and error each month.

  • ​Have the courage and confidence to be visible, with a streamlined video system that multiples your audience, clients, and impact.

  • ​Build a solid foundation for marketing your business so that you can focus on doing what you love—including life outside of work.

  • Have powerful messaging that helps you stand out, capture your audience's attention, and enroll them in your free and paid offers.

  • ​Have a proven marketing strategy to sell out your online programs, 1:1 coaching, and digital products.

  • ​Get coaching support on your video marketing and messaging—customized to your unique business, so you can grow your audience and get more sales— with less time, effort, and overwhelm.

  • Work smarter, not harder, so you feel clear, confident, and successful with your marketing and gain massive momentum in your business.


  • ​Have a proven video marketing strategy you can use rinse and repeat... instead of trial and error each month.

  • ​Have the courage and confidence to be visible, with a streamlined video system that multiples your audience, clients, and impact.

  • ​Build a solid foundation for marketing your business so that you can focus on doing what you love—including life outside of work.

  • Have powerful messaging that helps you stand out, capture your audience's attention, and enroll them in your free and paid offers.

  • ​Have a proven marketing strategy to sell out your online programs, 1:1 coaching, and digital products.

  • ​Get coaching support on your video marketing and messaging—customized to your unique business, so you can grow your audience and get more sales— with less time, effort, and overwhelm.

  • Work smarter, not harder, so you feel clear, confident, and successful with your marketing and gain massive momentum in your business.



A proven system to stand out, grow your audience, and sell your offers.  It's a marketing accelerator with personalized coaching, training, and support through implementation and a community of impact-driven business owners.

A proven system to stand out, grow your audience, and sell your offers.  It's a marketing accelerator with personalized coaching, training, and support through implementation and a community of impact-driven business owners.


  • You're done with the trial and error approach.  Uplevelling your business requires mentorship and commitment, and you're ALL IN!

  • ​You know that you've got the potential to be successful in your business, and you're ready get the right support and system to finally make it happen!

  • You realize that getting to your next level of  success requires the right skillset, toolset and mindset... and the right coach and community of driven and motivated peers to propel you forward.

  • ​You want to grow your business... and you're willing to do the work, implement the strategies, and take action to get results.


  • You're done with the trial and error approach.  Uplevelling your business requires mentorship and

    commitment, and you're ALL IN!

  • ​You know that you've got the

    potential to be successful in your business, and you're ready get the right support and system to finally make it happen!

  • You realize that getting to your next level of  success requires the right skillset, toolset and mindset... and the right coach and community of driven and motivated peers to propel you forward.

  • ​You want to grow your business... and you're willing to do the work, implement the strategies, and take action to get results.

What's so different about the Get More Clients With Video Coaching Program?

What's so different about the Get More Clients With Video Coaching Program?

We have a step-by-step proven system to help you attract, engage, and convert ideal clients with videorinse and repeat!

We simplify and streamline your video marketing to help you grow faster... because too many strategies at once and complication is the root of overwhelm and ineffectiveness.

Our coaching is highly customized to your unique business, ideal client, and audience—this is a personalized approach—not one size fits all.

We teach you the skills that are working NOW in marketing —rather than wasting time on outdated tactics that don't create results.

We help you get new leads coming in and new sales faster—so you don't have to stress out about where your next client is coming from.

You'll learn a strategic video marketing system that you can use for months—and years—to come.

You'll get on-camera delivery and messaging skills that will help your videos, masterclasses, and launches attract more people and convert better.

This program is comprehensive—we the essentials of video marketing video tech, video strategy, video messaging,  brand storytelling, on-camera delivery, live video, video funnels, selling from video—and more!

Our program is action-focused—you implement what you learn in real-time—and get coaching, feedback, and guidance as you put our strategies into action.

We have a step-by-step proven system to help you attract, engage, and convert ideal clients with videorinse and repeat!

We simplify and streamline your video marketing to help you grow faster... because too many strategies at once and complication is the root of overwhelm and ineffectiveness.

Our coaching is highly customized to your unique business, ideal client, and audience—this is a personalized approach—not one size fits all.

We teach you the skills that are working NOW in marketing —rather than wasting time on outdated tactics that don't create results.

We help you get new leads coming in and new sales faster—so you don't have to stress out about where your next client is coming from.

You'll learn a strategic video marketing system that you can use for months—and years—to come.

You'll get on-camera delivery and messaging skills that will help your videos, masterclasses, and launches attract more people and convert better.

This program is comprehensive—we the essentials of video marketing video tech, video strategy, video messaging,  brand storytelling, on-camera delivery, live video, video funnels, selling from video—and more!

Our program is action-focused—you implement what you learn in real-time—and get coaching, feedback, and guidance as you put our strategies into action.

What Michelle's Clients Have Said...

What Michelle's Clients Have Said...

Erik Solbakken, a former accountant turned entrepreneur had amazing results...

Erik was brand new to online marketing—he had no website, no audience, and had never sold from video.

With his very first 4-part video launch, he filled his program and made over $100,000 in upsells within 90 days. He continues to replicate those results again and again.

Erik Solbakken, a former accountant turned entrepreneur had amazing results...

Erik was brand new to online marketing—he had no website, no audience, and had never sold from video.

With his very first 4-part video launch, he filled his program and made over $100,000 in upsells within 90 days. He continues to replicate those results again and again.

“Michelle rocks! I’ve closed over $100,000 in business as a result of connecting with new clients through my videos. And this is just the start.

She was with me from ground zero and has guided me through everything I’ve needed. She’s a master at branding, messaging and copywriting. 

I feel like I’ve struck gold having her on my side. Most of all is the amazing work she’s done with me on my videos. This is where Michelle’s brilliance comes out to play."

Erik Solbakken CPA

Creator, Accountant Success Formula™

“Michelle rocks! I’ve closed over $100,000 in business as a result of connecting with new clients through my videos. And this is just the start.

She was with me from ground zero and has guided me through everything I’ve needed. She’s a master at branding, messaging and copywriting. 

I feel like I’ve struck gold having her on my side. Most of all is the amazing work she’s done with me on my videos. This is where Michelle’s brilliance comes out to play."

Erik Solbakken CPA

Creator, Accountant Success Formula™

Valentina saw her 100% growth in website traffic, and she landed 4 corporate sponsors for her podcast...

"I learned exactly the types of videos that I needed to release weekly all across my social media to promote my podcast, build my brand and build my list—and I was able to
grow exponentially

My total podcast downloads have increased by 27% in only three months, which puts me on a trajectory of over 100% increase this year. 

And my website has grown by over 100% in the last 90 days. So it's now on a trajectory for over a 400% increase this year.

What stands out about Michelle is her overall knowledge, not only in video creation and strategy, but also in launching and monetizing your brand. She's an awesome coach. I truly feel like she has my back and that she truly cares about me and my business, and to me that's important. 

I recommend Michelle to anyone who needs help and crushing it and growing an online business.  I think that when you choose knowledgeable and experienced coaches like Michelle, the investment is 100% worth it."

Valentina Izarra

Founder, Mamas Con Ganas

Empowerment Coach for Latina Women

Valentina saw her 100% growth in website traffic, and she landed 4 corporate sponsors for her podcast...

"I learned exactly the types of videos that I needed to release weekly all across my social media to promote my podcast, build my brand and build my list—and I was able to
grow exponentially

My total podcast downloads have increased by 27% in only three months, which puts me on a trajectory of over 100% increase this year. 

And my website has grown by over 100% in the last 90 days. So it's now on a trajectory for over a 400% increase this year.

What stands out about Michelle is her overall knowledge, not only in video creation and strategy, but also in launching and monetizing your brand. She's an awesome coach. I truly feel like she has my back and that she truly cares about me and my business, and to me that's important. 

I recommend Michelle to anyone who needs help and crushing it and growing an online business.  I think that when you choose knowledgeable and experienced coaches like Michelle, the investment is 100% worth it."

Valentina Izarra

Founder, Mamas Con Ganas

Empowerment Coach for Latina Women

Only 2 Spots Left!

8 Spots Left!

Here's what you get when you join the 
Get More Clients With Video Coaching Program...

Here's what you get when you join the 
Get More Clients With Video Coaching Program...

  • We'll spend the next 90 days together diving into the exact strategies you need to create a video marketing funnel that attracts, engages and converts ideal clients—rinse and repeat.

  • ​You'll get customized coaching with weekly live coaching calls and access to me on Facebook Messenger and our private Facebook Group so you NEVER stay stuck or unclear about your next steps.

  • ​You'll have take acton assignments that will help you create and film the most important videos you need for your business.

  • ​You'll be a part of a motivated group of results-driven peers who will inspire you to bold action.

  • ​You'll have 24/7 access to the membership portal with step by step strategies, tools, script frameworks, tutorials, and resources to develop your video marketing profit pathway 

  • We'll spend the next 90 days together diving into the exact strategies you need to create a video marketing funnel that attracts, engages and converts ideal clients—rinse and repeat.

  • ​You'll get customized coaching with weekly live coaching calls and access to me on Facebook Messenger and our private Facebook Group so you NEVER stay stuck or unclear about your next steps.

  • ​You'll have take acton assignments that will help you create and film the most important videos you need for your business.

  • ​You'll be a part of a motivated group of results-driven peers who will inspire you to bold action.

  • ​You'll have 24/7 access to the membership portal with step by step strategies, tools, script frameworks, tutorials, and resources to develop your video marketing profit pathway 


I’ve spent over $150K in the course of my business studying with some of the top marketers  in the industry, getting customized coaching, real time feedback, and incredible training...

I then innovated my own strategies while being in the trenches for 12+ years, working with 100s of clients in a variety of industries, helping them do 5, 6 and multiple 6-figures in online sales from using our strategies. 

You get to leverage my 12+ years of knowledge, coaching, training, and real world experience. I distill the strategies that are the right next step for YOU RIGHT NOW, removing the marketing overwhelm.

You don't have to spend the type of time and money I did… because this program will walk you through, step-by-step, exactly what you need to do to grow your leads and sales, .


I’ve spent over $150K in the course of my business studying with some of the top marketers  in the industry, getting customized coaching, real time feedback, and incredible training...

I then innovated my own strategies while being in the trenches for 12+ years, working with 100s of clients in a variety of industries, helping them do 5, 6 and multiple 6-figures in online sales from using our strategies. 

You get to leverage my 12+ years of knowledge, coaching, training, and real world experience. I distill the strategies that are the right next step for YOU RIGHT NOW, removing the marketing overwhelm.

You don't have to spend the type of time and money I did… because this program will walk you through, step-by-step, exactly what you need to do to grow your leads and sales, .

Visible Impact: Week 1 - Messaging & Positioning: Your Perfect Message to Market Match

Module 1: Messaging & Positioning: Your  Message to Market Match 

  • Discover how to craft a powerful brand message to stand out, captivate your audience, and inspire them to work with you.

  • ​Get our winning Storytelling frameworks to increase connection and conversions throughout the customer journey.

Visible Impact: Week 1 - Messaging & Positioning: Your Perfect Message to Market Match
Module 2: Video Tech Made Easy
  • Discover how to create high-quality videos—without tons of time, tech, or expense

  • ​Learn simple and easy lighting, sound, and camera techniques that make your videos look amazing and position you as a high-level expert.

Special Bonus: Video Editing Made Easy: Super simple training on video editing (cutting footage, adding titles, captions, photos, b-roll, and music) so you're videos have a WOW factor.

Module 3: On-Camera Delivery For Connection & Conversion
  • Develop on-camera charisma so you can show up powerfully and inspire your audience to watch, engage and invest in you.

  • ​Learn pro techniques for preparing and delivering your content with confidence.

  • ​Get key mindset shifts and tools to overcome fear, anxiety and on camera nerves. 

Module 4: Video Strategy & Content Roadmap
to Attract & Engage Your Audience
  • Create a video strategy and content calendar customized to your unique business that gets new people into your pipeline, engages them, and warms them for your offers

  • ​Design Your Hot Video Mix:  The exact videos you'll use to stop scrollers in their tracks, keep them watching, and get them to take action.

  • ​Learn the best content themes for your attraction and engagement videos and what works best on each social media platform.

Module 5: Live Video:  Engage, Grow & Sell on Social Media
  • ​Learn Live Video Strategies to grow your list, engage your audience, and enroll them into your offers

  • Create Your 6+ Figure Video Sales Funnel with Live Video

  • ​Maximize your audience interaction, interest in your topic, and uptake of your offer before, during and after the live.

Module 6: Videos That Convert Ideal Clients
  • Discover the 7 key videos that convert watchers to buyers consistently 

  • ​Master the 9 elements of a crushing Sales Video that positions the unique value of your offer and inspires your audience to say YES!

  • Hit the right mental and emotional triggers in your sales video, so you reach your audience's heads and hearts.

Module 7: Publish for Impact:

Maximize Your Reach & Raving Fans

  • Get more eyes and engagement on your videos—without paid advertising budget.

  • ​Discover what topics are hot and trending so you can appeal to what your audience is searching for online.

  • Get the social media algorithms working in your favor, so you get seen and found by more people.

Module 8: Expert Interviews to Grow Your Leads & Sales
  • Leverage the expert interview strategy I used to quickly grow my list and fill 80% of my first online program

  • ​Get my plug and play system for crafting compelling interview content, booking interviews, and promoting them (my winning pitch letter template, media one sheet, and promo graphics)

  • Discover how to leverage your interview to drive traffic to your free and paid offers.

Module 9: Sell at Scale for Your Online Launch
  • Leverage targeted short form videos to drive more leads to your masterclass, webinar and launches  and warm them for your launch

  • Discover what videos to create 60 days, 30-days, and 7-days before your launch to get your audience excited and increase registrants

  • Learn how to use video to drive traffic to your offer and increase sales during open registration

Module 10:  Video Product Creation Formula
  • ​Learn the different ways to film your course content to maximize learning, engagement, and transformation 

  • Discover how to appeal to the 5 types of learning styles in your video content so that you can impact a variety of students

  • ​Understand how to maximize the retention of your video content with supplementary materials and visual tools

Visible Impact: Week 1 - Messaging & Positioning: Your Perfect Message to Market Match

Module 1: Messaging & Positioning: Your  Message to Market Match 

  • Discover how to craft a powerful brand message to stand out, captivate your audience, and inspire them to work with you.

  • ​Get our winning Storytelling frameworks to increase connection and conversions throughout the customer journey.

Visible Impact: Week 1 - Messaging & Positioning: Your Perfect Message to Market Match
Module 2: Video Tech Made Easy
  • Discover how to create high-quality videos—without tons of time, tech, or expense

  • ​Learn simple and easy lighting, sound, and camera techniques that make your videos look amazing and position you as a high-level expert.

Special Bonus: Video Editing Made Easy: Super simple training on video editing (cutting footage, adding titles, captions, photos, b-roll, and music) so you're videos have a WOW factor.

Module 3: On-Camera Delivery For Connection & Conversion
  • Develop on-camera charisma so you can show up powerfully and inspire your audience to watch, engage and invest in you.

  • ​Learn pro techniques for preparing and delivering your content with confidence.

  • ​Get key mindset shifts and tools to overcome fear, anxiety and on camera nerves. 

Module 4: Video Strategy & Content Roadmap
to Attract & Engage Your Audience
  • Create a video strategy and content calendar customized to your unique business that gets new people into your pipeline, engages them, and warms them for your offers

  • ​Design Your Hot Video Mix:  The exact videos you'll use to stop scrollers in their tracks, keep them watching, and get them to take action.

  • ​Learn the best content themes for your attraction and engagement videos and what works best on each social media platform.

Module 5: Live Video:  Engage, Grow & Sell on Social Media
  • ​Learn Live Video Strategies to grow your list, engage your audience, and enroll them into your offers

  • Create Your 6+ Figure Video Sales Funnel with Live Video

  • ​Maximize your audience interaction, interest in your topic, and uptake of your offer before, during and after the live.

Module 6: Videos That Convert Ideal Clients
  • Discover the 7 key videos that convert watchers to buyers consistently 

  • ​Master the 9 elements of a crushing Sales Video that positions the unique value of your offer and inspires your audience to say YES!

  • Hit the right mental and emotional triggers in your sales video, so you reach your audience's heads and hearts.

Module 7: Publish for Impact:

Maximize Your Reach & Raving Fans

  • Get more eyes and engagement on your videos—without paid advertising budget.

  • ​Discover what topics are hot and trending so you can appeal to what your audience is searching for online.

  • Get the social media algorithms working in your favor, so you get seen and found by more people.

Module 8: Expert Interviews to Grow Your Leads & Sales
  • Leverage the expert interview strategy I used to quickly grow my list and fill 80% of my first online program

  • ​Get my plug and play system for crafting compelling interview content, booking interviews, and promoting them (my winning pitch letter template, media one sheet, and promo graphics)

  • Discover how to leverage your interview to drive traffic to your free and paid offers.

Module 9: Sell at Scale for Your Online Launch
  • Leverage targeted short form videos to drive more leads to your masterclass, webinar and launches  and warm them for your launch

  • Discover what videos to create 60 days, 30-days, and 7-days before your launch to get your audience excited and increase registrants

  • Learn how to use video to drive traffic to your offer and increase sales during open registration

Module 10:  Video Product Creation Formula
  • ​Learn the different ways to film your course content to maximize learning, engagement, and transformation 

  • Discover how to appeal to the 5 types of learning styles in your video content so that you can impact a variety of students

  • ​Understand how to maximize the retention of your video content with supplementary materials and visual tools

You'll also receive these tools and support...

You'll also receive these tools and support...

  • ​Guaranteed Coaching Spot on our weekly coaching calls by submitting your question in advance

  • ​​Content review and feedback LIVE on our coaching calls

  • ​Deep dive review of your Brand Message and your Brand Story Video 

  • Accountability and support through weekly implementation labs (our get-it-done sessions)

  • 30+ Video Script Templates Done-for-You so you can quickly and easily create the videos you need for your business

  • Video Checklists, Worksheets, and Trello boards to make planning your video content, filming and publishing workflow simple and streamlined ($497 value)

  • ​​30 Canva Templates for all of your marketing needs—video thumbnails, webinar slides, YouTube channel art, Facebook Banners, course workbooks—and much more!

  • Private Facebook Group where you can tap into our amazing community, interact with other driven entrepreneurs, coaches and creators, and ask questions ($1497 value)

  • ​Lifetime Access to all training modules and coaching calls, so you can go back and review them anytime (Priceless!)

  • Flexible Coaching Call Policy—If you have to miss a call or pause your coaching, you can make the call(s) up when we're in session (for a term up to 6 months) (Priceless!)

  • ​Guaranteed Coaching Spot on our weekly coaching calls by submitting your question in advance

  • ​​Content review and feedback LIVE on our coaching calls

  • ​Deep dive review of your Brand Message and your Brand Story Video 

  • Accountability and support through weekly implementation labs (our get-it-done sessions)

  • 30+ Video Script Templates Done-for-You so you can quickly and easily create the videos you need for your business

  • Video Checklists, Worksheets, and Trello boards to make planning your video content, filming and publishing workflow simple and streamlined ($497 value)

  • ​​30 Canva Templates for all of your marketing needs—video thumbnails, webinar slides, YouTube channel art, Facebook Banners, course workbooks—and much more!

  • Private Facebook Group where you can tap into our amazing community, interact with other driven entrepreneurs, coaches and creators, and ask questions ($1497 value)

  • ​Lifetime Access to all training modules and coaching calls, so you can go back and review them anytime (Priceless!)

  • Flexible Coaching Call Policy—If you have to miss a call or pause your coaching, you can make the call(s) up when we're in session (for a term up to 6 months) (Priceless!)

Plus, you get 6 amazing bonuses...

Plus, you get 6 amazing bonuses...

These bonuses will help you be even more successful growing your business with video...

($3,273 in value)

  • Bonus #1: The On Camera Confidence Coaching Lab: On-your-feet coaching with real-time feedback where we'll show you the secrets the pros use to show up powerfully on camera. ($497 value)

  • Bonus #2: Master the Connect to Convert Sales System: Turn the warm leads you'll attract with your videos into paying customers. Discover how to have powerful conversations that create value, build connection and enroll clients—without being salesy. ($497 value)

  • Bonus #3: Your Signature Style On Camera: What to Wear to Look Your Best

    Get Professional stylist Marina Lukin’s tips and strategies for looking your best on camera.

    Discover what colors and cuts are flattering and what to avoid. Dress in a style that's authentic to you and consistent with your brand. ($497 value)

  • Bonus #4: Insider Hollywood Makeup Secrets for the On Camera “WOW” Factor: Get Phoebe Dawson's (Hollywood Makeup Artist) tips and strategies to highlight your best features on camera. She shares what products are essential to have, her make up application tips, and her go-to list of favorite products. ($497 value)

  • Bonus #5: How to Create Free Irresistible Offers That Grow Your List & Convert Like Crazy: Leverage the different types of free offers to grow your list, provide value, and inspire your audience to take the next step with you. (Get our lead magnet and opt-in email campaign samples) ($497 value)

  • ​Bonus #6: How to Create Headlines With Hooks That Stop Scrollers in Their Tracks:

    These strategies will make your video and social media headlines so much more clickable! ($497 value)

  • Bonus #7: 3 Months free in Our Video Creator Lab. During our program, you'll get our weekly Get-It-Done Sessions, weekly Video Prompts, pop up bonus trainings and masterminding to help you take action and get massive momentum ($297 Value)

These bonuses will help you be even more successful growing your business with video...

($3,273 in value)

  • Bonus #1: The On Camera Confidence Coaching Lab: On-your-feet coaching with real-time feedback where we'll show you the secrets the pros use to show up powerfully on camera. ($497 value)

  • Bonus #2: Master the Connect to Convert Sales System: Turn the warm leads you'll attract with your videos into paying customers. Discover how to have powerful conversations that create value, build connection and enroll clients—without being salesy. ($497 value)

  • Bonus #3: Your Signature Style On Camera: What to Wear to Look Your Best

    Get Professional stylist Marina Lukin’s tips and strategies for looking your best on camera.

    Discover what colors and cuts are flattering and what to avoid. Dress in a style that's authentic to you and consistent with your brand. ($497 value)

  • Bonus #4: Insider Hollywood Makeup Secrets for the On Camera “WOW” Factor: Get Phoebe Dawson's (Hollywood Makeup Artist) tips and strategies to highlight your best features on camera. She shares what products are essential to have, her make up application tips, and her go-to list of favorite products. ($497 value)

  • Bonus #5: How to Create Free Irresistible Offers That Grow Your List & Convert Like Crazy: Leverage the different types of free offers to grow your list, provide value, and inspire your audience to take the next step with you. (Get our lead magnet and opt-in email campaign samples) ($497 value)

  • ​Bonus #6: How to Create Headlines With Hooks That Stop Scrollers in Their Tracks:

    These strategies will make your video and social media headlines so much more clickable! ($497 value)

  • Bonus #7: 3 Months free in Our Video Creator Lab. During our program, you'll get our weekly Get-It-Done Sessions, weekly Video Prompts, pop up bonus trainings and masterminding to help you take action and get massive momentum ($297 Value)

Here's a Recap of Everything You Get..

Here's a Recap of Everything You Get..

 10 Deep Dive Training Modules ($4,970 value)

 12 weekly 90-minute Coaching Calls ($5,964 value)

 Private Facebook Community ($1,497 value)

 7 Bonuses  ($3,273 value)

 12 X Weekly Video Creator Labs ($197 value)

 4 Fast-Action Bonuses  ($3,485 value)

 Video Power Playbook & Script Templates   ($1,997 value)

 Video Checklists, Planning Worksheets & Trello Boards  ($497 value)

Total Value = $18,198

Yours For Only

Choose an option...

Contact us at concierge@visibleimpactnow.com for availability and pricing.



Pay in Full

(Save $511)


$877/month for
4 Easy Payments

Fast Action Bonus 

The first 5 people to enroll will get a Customized
Done-With-You 90-Day Video Strategy

(Only for People Who Pay in Full)
($597 Value)

You'll receive...

  • A customized video strategy to help you reach your specific business goals faster and more easy and give you momentum in your marketing

  • ​A video strategy and 90-day content plan designed for your unique business, target audience, and desired results

  • ​​A 90-Day content calendar with all of your hot topics for each week and month

  • ​Script frameworks for each type of video we recommend

  • ​Your strategy is tailored to the social media platforms you are active on

  • ​We'll create a 90-Day content calendar with all of your hot topics (for up to 5 videos a week)

  • Script frameworks for each type of video we recommend

  • ​Done-for-You headlines with hooks that stop scrollers in their tracks and get people watching

Our Guarantee to You

We are confident in the effectiveness of the strategies we teach and the results they've gotten for our clients who put them into action.

If you don't make your investment back in the program in 90 days, and you're watching the trainings, attending the coaching calls, doing the video assignments, and posting the videos we recommend on your social media channels each week, we'll do a video content audit and a bonus 1:1 coaching session with you to help ensure you make your investment back.

 10 Deep Dive Training Modules ($4,970 value)

 12 weekly 90-minute Coaching Calls ($5,964 value)

 Private Facebook Community ($1,497 value)

 7 Bonuses  ($3,273 value)

 Video Power Playbook & Script Templates   ($1,997 value)

 Video Checklists, Planning Worksheets & Trello Boards  ($497 value)

Total Value = $18,198

Yours For Only

Choose an option...

Contact us at

for availability and pricing.



Pay in Full

(Save $511)


$877/month for
4 Easy Payments

Fast Action Bonus 

The first 5 people to enroll will get a Customized
Done-With-You 90-Day Video Strategy

(Only for People Who Pay in Full)
($597 Value)

You'll receive...

  • A customized video strategy to help you reach your specific business goals faster and more easy and give you momentum in your marketing

  • ​A video strategy and 90-day content plan designed for your unique business, target audience, and desired results

  • ​​A 90-Day content calendar with all of your hot topics for each week and month

  • ​Script frameworks for each type of video we recommend

  • ​Your strategy is tailored to the social media platforms you are active on

  • ​We'll create a 90-Day content calendar with all of your hot topics (for up to 5 videos a week)

  • Script frameworks for each type of video we recommend

  • ​Done-for-You headlines with hooks that stop scrollers in their tracks and get people watching

Our Guarantee to You

We are confident in the effectiveness of the strategies we teach and the results they've gotten for our clients who put them into action.

If you don't make your investment back in the program in 90 days, and you're watching the trainings, attending the coaching calls, doing the video assignments, and posting the videos we recommend on your social media channels each week, we'll do a video content audit and a bonus 1:1 coaching session with you to help ensure you make your investment back.

About Michelle

Hi, I'm  a Video and Online Marketing Expert with over 20 years’ experience helping top companies, Hollywood heavy-hitters coaches and entrepreneurs grow their audience, income and impact. 

I've helped several coaches, entrepreneurs and companies generate 5, 6, multi-6 and 7 figure sales with video and online marketing. 

My passion for content and storytelling  was honed in Hollywood, where I coached screenwriters on their screenplays and movie pitches at The Gersh Talent & Literary Agency, at Gary Ross’s production company at Universal Pictures, and at Pierce Brosnan’s production company at MGM.

 I draw upon my vast experience using story to reach an audience's hearts and minds and inspire them to action and use it to help  business owners engage their audience, create big impact, and grow their revenues. 

My greatest joy is watching entrepreneurs go from nervous about going on camera to 100% confident, and then seeing the massive opportunities that open up as a result—audience growth audience, big engagement, conversions, and clients! 

Many find it's actually a fun, creative process once they get comfortable! (Far more fun than sitting at their computers all day!) Even more rewarding are the transformations our clients have in their businesses and their lives as a result of leveraging the power of video.

About Michelle

Hi, I'm  a Video and Online Marketing Expert with over 20 years’ experience helping top companies, Hollywood heavy-hitters coaches and entrepreneurs grow their audience, income and impact. 

I've helped several coaches, entrepreneurs and companies generate 5, 6, multi-6 and 7 figure sales with video and online marketing. 

My passion for content and storytelling  was honed in Hollywood, where I coached screenwriters on their screenplays and movie pitches at The Gersh Talent & Literary Agency, at Gary Ross’s production company at Universal Pictures, and at Pierce Brosnan’s production company at MGM.

 I draw upon my vast experience using story to reach an audience's hearts and minds and inspire them to action and use it to help  business owners engage their audience, create big impact, and grow their revenues. 

My greatest joy is watching entrepreneurs go from nervous about going on camera to 100% confident, and then seeing the massive opportunities that open up as a result—audience growth audience, big engagement, conversions, and clients! 

Many find it's actually a fun, creative process once they get comfortable! (Far more fun than sitting at their computers all day!) Even more rewarding are the transformations our clients have in their businesses and their lives as a result of leveraging the power of video.

Here's what our successful clients have to say...

Here's what our successful clients have to say...

 “I gained confidence, on camera presence and a clear system for using video to grow my audience and take my product launch to the next level…”

Jeff Brewer

Founder & CEO, Launch Hacker Lab

Jeff wasn’t new to video, but he knew — as an online marketing coach to 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs — how easy it was to sit on the sidelines and stay behind the scenes.

And so he made the decision to invest himself to get some on-camera coaching and next level strategies that he could use to make his videos truly amazing.

Jeff discovered the right processes and systems to consistently batch his videos to release weekly content across all of his social media channels, to grow his audience and set him up perfectly for an amazing product launch.

And what he discovered, he shared with his clients to make their launch videos even more successful.

Watch Jeff’s story of super star to mega star and how he used consistent video to explode his business and grow his brand in a “big, big way.”

 “I gained confidence, on camera presence and a clear system for using video to grow my audience and take my product launch to the next level…”

Jeff Brewer

Founder & CEO, Launch Hacker Lab

Jeff wasn’t new to video, but he knew — as an online marketing coach to 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs — how easy it was to sit on the sidelines and stay behind the scenes.

And so he made the decision to invest himself to get some on-camera coaching and next level strategies that he could use to make his videos truly amazing.

Jeff discovered the right processes and systems to consistently batch his videos to release weekly content across all of his social media channels, to grow his audience and set him up perfectly for an amazing product launch.

And what he discovered, he shared with his clients to make their launch videos even more successful.

Watch Jeff’s story of super star to mega star and how he used consistent video to explode his business and grow his brand in a “big, big way.”

 From zero online sales to $37,000 and $13,000 

in upsells!

 From zero online sales to $37,000 and $13,000 

in upsells!

Our clients are ecstatic... Like John Whitt. 

John, a Business Coach and natural leader, wasn’t afraid to speak from the front of the room, but
he didn’t know how to attract, engage and convert with video.

John went from only two opt ins for his free launch content and zero sales of his online program, to $37,000 in launch sales and $13,000 in upsells in less than 5 months.

I've been speaking for a long time, but had never had success growing my audience and selling from video before… 

And I needed help with launching. I tried a lot of the different things that didn't get results or opt-ins.

Michelle's format for attracting, engaging and converting from video warming and sales makes the actual offer easy to sell and deliver, and it works!

The results for me are $37,000 in sales today in less than five months. In addition, $13,000 in upsells. At the end of the day, it's going to be worth way more than $50,000.

All of those strategies are with me for the rest of my life.

John Whitt, Business Consultant 


Our clients are ecstatic... Like John Whitt. 

John, a Business Coach and natural leader, wasn’t afraid to speak from the front of the room, but
he didn’t know how to attract, engage and convert with video.

John went from only two opt ins for his free launch content and zero sales of his online program, to $37,000 in launch sales and $13,000 in upsells in less than 5 months.

I've been speaking for a long time, but had never had success growing my audience and selling from video before… 

And I needed help with launching. I tried a lot of the different things that didn't get results or opt-ins.

Michelle's format for attracting, engaging and converting from video warming and sales makes the actual offer easy to sell and deliver, and it works!

The results for me are $37,000 in sales today in less than five months. In addition, $13,000 in upsells. At the end of the day, it's going to be worth way more than $50,000.

All of those strategies are with me for the rest of my life.

John Whitt, Business Consultant 


 Tina Brandau, Success Coach, went from making videos that "turned people away" to creating videos that drew people in!

 Her videos helped her attract more clients, build an engaged audience for her book launch, and enroll over 100 clients this year!

 Reshma Baichoo, Heartset and Transformation Coach 5X'd her business

 She went from 7 months new in business and camera shy to creating over 150 videos and
growing her business by 500%!

 Tina Brandau, Success Coach, went from making videos that "turned people away" to creating videos that drew people in!

 Her videos helped her attract more clients, build an engaged audience for her book launch, and enroll over 100 clients this year!

 Reshma Baichoo, Heartset and Transformation Coach 5X'd her business

 She went from 7 months new in business and camera shy to creating over 150 videos and
growing her business by 500%!

It's Decision Time

90-days from now you can either be stuck in the same place in your business  OR have a solid video marketing foundation and a step by step strategy to attract, engage and convert ideal clients—rinse and repeat!

The ball is completely in your court. You get to choose to pursue massive business growth or stay in the same place you've been for months or years. 

P.S. I hope you know how much I believe in you!

It's Decision Time

90-days from now you can either be stuck in the same place in your business  OR have a solid video marketing foundation and a step by step strategy to attract, engage and convert ideal clients—rinse and repeat!

The ball is completely in your court. You get to choose to pursue massive business growth or stay in the same place you've been for months or years. 

P.S. I hope you know how much I believe in you!

Copyright © 2023 Visible Impact · All Rights Reserved

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by
Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

We don't believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that's what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings — all numbers are illustrative only.

Copyright © 2023 Visible Impact · All Rights Reserved

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by
Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

We don't believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. And that's what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings — all numbers are illustrative only.

I feel like I have a real professional in my corner with Michelle. Someone who really sees the truth… who isn't going to blow smoke up my skirt... who isn't going to lead me astray... who knows how to get me there... and I just need to trust her and go and deal with my demons that I've got... and work through it... so that the gifts that I have actually come out.” 

My goals were to really get my business off the ground. I had a lot of things that were working in the background, but nothing that was really taking off.

Part of my problem was what you call the curse of genius.

“Okay, I know I've got something. I have no idea how to explain it.”

It felt like a guessing game. I was getting three second views before and then it would drop off. Now when I do a video, 50% viewer views are very common. And the 75% - 100% views have been starkly better.”

Karen Pierce

Executive Coach, Leadership Consultant & Keynote Speaker

“When I finally found Michelle, it was like that ‘aha’ moment of ‘this is someone who works really well with my style’. I have concrete, targeted actions of things to do every single week.  She always over delivers on everything she provides. 

And an important thing too is that Michelle never makes me feel like if things aren't going right, it's my fault. I'm doing something wrong.”

Camila Williams

Psychologist and Founder of Living Well

“When you have the proper strategy going into your presentation, you can cast a wide net that can capture more than just individual sales, but have a ripple effect into different lists or different influencers that you never would have had otherwise.” 

Michael Weir

Amazon Best Seller

Founder, Inventory Boss

(Former Trial Attorney)

“I was terrified of doing video — and avoiding it!  I got a clear video strategy that I could execute with confidence (and fun!), filling my big live event
and coaching programs.”

Melissa McFarlane
Founder, Creative Successful Entrepreneurs

Melissa had a “deathly fear” of getting on video. Despite her business success, she just “couldn’t do it.” But she believed that video was part of a much larger launch strategy for her live event and so reluctantly, stepped in front of the camera.

With the right video strategy, Melissa discovered what videos to shoot, when to shoot them and even what videos weren’t important, so she could truly focus her energy.

Now feeling totally at ease on video, Melissa uses the video strategies she learned to fill her live events and her programs.

Hear how Melissa discovered how to shoot her videos herself, so she didn’t need to spend a ton of time or money on team; and then embed those videos into a larger marketing strategy to double her client list and her income.  

8 Spots Left!

Fast Action Bonuses Expire Friday, Nov. 11 at Midnight Pacific Time

Andreea Ayers, a product consultant, made $46,000 in a 4-part video launch and grew her list by 1000 in 18 days our messaging consulting and video production.

Samantha Bennett, an entrepreneur and author says the brand message video we created helped her fill her live event 75 % faster than in prior years.

Evan Marc Katz, a dating and relationship expert, launched an online program with the sales and content videos our team produced and filmed, claiming the revenues from his launch will provide his income for the next 10 years.
“Everything Michelle taught me instantly increased my credibility. Her advice was priceless and she always had my back. Run, don’t walk, to hire Michelle.   Being great on stage, I was super frustrated how petrified I was, every time the video camera was on record. Michelle, in her gentle, funny and soothing way, turned my camera shyness into soulful sizzle. She cared about me and my project at the deepest level. My confidence has increased enormously, as she 

taught me pacing, how to tune in and say what I really mean. I also learned how to be more efficient with words.

She also taught me how to play on camera — once I learned to have fun on camera, I felt so much more confident and all kinds of ideas came flooding in — like my Bankability Minutes series. I also learned how to use my voice and personality to stand apart and engage my audience. I now feel really good about making videos.”
Julie Steelman, Bankability Guru

Author, & Speaker | www.juliesteelman.com

“Michelle’s zone of genius was getting to the heart of who I am and what my business is all about.   Our work together helped me clarify my brand, which has made it so much easier for me to talk to clients, create  marketing materials, and do events. She was able to see very quickly what my strengths were and what was special about me and how I worked with clients. 

Michelle had a clear vision of what the video should  accomplish, and she made sure I was thoroughly prepared. The end result is a video that I not only feel thoroughly reflects my brand and my business, but that has been instrumental in bringing me quality clients. I have also used the sizzle reel to secure top-level speaking engagements. Having M Lange do my sizzle reel was by far one of the best investments I have made in my business."
Diane O’Connell, Book Development Expert

Write to Sell Your Book | www.writetosellyourbook.com

Angelique Rewers, a business coach, generated over $800,000 in sales of her year-long coaching programs at her live event using the brand message video we created . Angelique said that a separate brand message video we created for her business made her sales conversations 70% easier. 
Kat Gordon, an advertising executive, secured over $200,000 in corporate sponsorships and filled her first-time national conference with over 400 advertising executives with the brand message video we created with our messaging consulting and video production. This conference put her on the map as a thought leader, featured in Forbes and won awards from Ad Age.
Nicole Markson, a female automotive expert, landed a featured spot on ABC television with the video and brand messaging we created with our messaging consulting and video production.
Angela Jia Kim, an entrepreneur and business mentor, did a multiple 6-figure launch of her high-level mastermind groups with the brand message video we created with our messaging consulting and video production.
Kristin Adams, an owner of a cosmetics company, did a six figure launch in 30 days with the video strategy and 12-part video series we wrote, directed, filmed, and produced, bringing her a 20 x ROI on her investment.
Shimon Abouzaglo, a tech entrepreneur, filled his first-time technology conference to capacity with top level executives from Oracle, IBM, SAP, Adobe, and Salesforce with the brand message videos we created with our messaging consulting and video production.  
Diane O’Connell, a book development expert, got 52,000 views and over 2,000 new YouTube subscribers from the 10-part High Value Content Video series we created with our messaging consulting and video production. 

Melissa McFarlane used our video strategies and video training to fill her Live Event and the Live Stream for the event.  She made 30 videos in 3 months and said she owes her full pipeline of clients and her live attendance at the event to the videos.

Delia McCabe 

Founder at Delia McCabe, PhD

Delia needed our Video StorySelling Blueprint to engage her fans. She got strategy, focus, and a clear vision to grow her business!

"Shooting videos is no longer a mystery for me...This course has changed all of that for me....And I have a clear direction and goal for how to get more clients and how to make my reach more impactful to the people that really need to hear my message."

Tusitala Tanielu

Founder at VIRTUEsLINK

Tusitala Nailed his Message and his Business! And he gained massive confidence! He Used the Strategies from our Video StorySelling Blueprint and he's GRATEFUL he made the leap!

“This has helped me plan my video release schedules, frequencies, topics, momentum, and calls to action. Naturally, I feel far more confident now than before I started the program.”

Romina Wilmot

Founder, MyHealthFair.com

Romina joined our program as a natural introvert looking for a clear video strategy and a way to improve her on camera delivery. Now, her on camera confidence has skyrocketed, and she’s able to reach more people using our strategic blueprint.

“This program gave me the confidence to get better on video and get to way more people with my message... Please join the program. This is pure value and you will get the best from two very professional women.”

Dr. Ben Bernstein

Be Your Best

When Dr. Bernstein started our program, he was lost in a sea of possibilities and didn't know how to
navigate his ship, despite his brilliance!

 “It was truly amazing...this is the best possible program to not only get an overview of the different possibilities, but to get very specific training in each of the ways that video can be used to promote and to further your business.”

Anna Tseng

Founder, Plant Nourished

Anna got crystal on her brand messaging and target audience… where they are, and how to reach them!

“Just do it! It's a worthwhile investment. You'll learn a ton of skills and also get a lot of important resources and tools that you will need. And that would be really beneficial for you as you continue to move forward to grow your business. So I would say don't hesitate, but to definitely go
for it.”

Chris Kwan

Founder, Healthy Habits & Lifestyle Coaching

Christen came into our program feeling stuck and frustrated… wanting the visibility to fill her coaching program! Now, She’s able to share her knowledge, her gift for coaching, and have the IMPACT she’s always wanted to have.

“I feel like I'm on the precipice of a major shift in my business that will help me fulfill my soul's deepest purpose.”

This is exactly what I need, let's do it!

I would love to talk to someone.

Inyang Eyoma Bergenstråle

Coach and Nutritionist

Inyang joined our program to gain a process to grow her business & increase her online presence.

“I now have strategies, I have systems that I can use to produce high quality video content consistently, so that I can grow my business… Michelle really helped me forge the messaging and she helped me see things that I didn't see.”

Denise Thompson

Transformational Health & Wellness Coach

Denise is showing up, authentically, for her clients and reaching more people with the message she has to share!

"My videos actually have become shorter, more precise, and to the point. And I actually have more interaction with my audience. I get more likes, more hits, and I get more comments."


You'll Get the Fast Cash Generator Incubator

We'll create a plan to generate CASH quickly in your business!

 ($997 in value)

John Hodgkinson

Author, Owner and Founder at Overt Outreach

John is using the strategies and skills he learned in our program to get the word out about his training program, and he’s crushing it! John was unsure about the cost of the program, but after watching the workshop trainings, the thought of not joining “kinda ate at him.” But he found a way to invest in himself & his business!!!

“And now I know this course is going to pay me back in very short order because of what I learned… If you're on the fence, get off the fence, join in, have some fun, and learn everything you can about video.”

Rosalie Elliott

Empowering You with Essential Oil Education

When Rosalie joined our program, she wanted to learn how to present with greater confidence and clarity. Now, she knows how to confidently structure her messages to draw in her audience and give them specific information to guide them, while ending with a powerful call to action.

“Wow. This has been a game changer knowing how to do this has helped me take time to craft my message to better serve others.”


Nothing in the industry even comes close to what's offered in this program.

John Whitt Recommends Tanya Targett Camacho
John Whitt, Business Consultant
"I've been a public speaker for a long time but had never really tried nor had success in making an offer for sale during or after my presentation. Tanya Targett Camacho is an amazing Sell-From-Stage Trainer and Coach… "

"I followed Tanya's coaching and converted 5 of 13 attendees with a high ticket $2500 package. Tanya's format for setting the offer stage early makes the actual offer easy to deliver and it works."

Sybil Henry Recommends Michelle Lange
Sybil Henry, Brand Style Expert
"Thank you Michelle! Your passion for your work is un-matched and your dedication to excellence is inspiring. 


I felt like you treated my project like it was your own. 

I can see why people fly you across the country to do their videos, you are simply amazing. You set the bar so high! I am still getting compliments for the videos, especially the sizzle. This allowed me to tell my story in a very impactful way.”

Erik Solbakken Recommends Michelle Lange
Erik Solbakken CPA, Creator of
Accountant Success Formula™
“Michelle rocks! I’ve closed over $100,000 in business as a result of connecting with new clients through my videos. And this is just the start.

She was with me from ground zero and has guided me through everything I’ve needed. She’s a master at branding, messaging and copywriting. 

I feel like I’ve struck gold having her on my side. Most of all is the amazing work she’s done with me on my videos. This is where Michelle’s brilliance comes out to play."

Amanda Bude Recommends Tanya Targett Camacho
Amanda Bude, Midwife
Sleep and Hypno-Birthing Expert
"Using Tanya’s techniques I was in the media over 25 times in the first 23 weeks. I secured a weekly spot on radio to an audience of over 50,000 listeners and all of this I did for FREE.

I also generated over $20K in client bookings after doing Tanya’s training, and I hit and still maintain the No. 1 Google spot. 

Doing her course launched me into the masses!"

Copyright © 2020 M Lange Media, Tanya Targett © & Visible Impact Now ·
All Rights Reserved
Contact Us:

E: concierge@mlangemedia.com